Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16 - The Spoon's Perspective

Spoons Have Feelings Too

    "Yo morning Bowl!"
    "Morning Spoon."
    This was how it went every single day. I awake in the dish washer, greet my good friend bowl and prepare to tackle another day of cereal. What kind was it going to be today? No clue but I love holding cereal so it doesn't matter.
    "So how about that storm last night?"
    "Dude for the last time that was the dish washer we don't go outside."
    "AAAAAH just wanking your chain." Bowl always enjoyed my clever humor.
    The door to the washing machine opened and as usual however when bowl was picked up I was not.
    "God finally I don't have to deal with that jerk spoon again good lord." I hear bowl say as he is carried away. I always enjoy his clever humor. The hand came back. "Oh phew I'm getting picked up now it was a mistake." I thought, however I could not have been more wrong. The door shut and I was left in the dark, with a bunch of sleeping silverware. If I had tear ducts I would have cried.


  1. This was very humorous! I liked the part where you said, "If I had tear ducts I would have cried". It would have been nice to have some images added to make the story more vivid.

    1. Good positive feedback and constructive criticism!
