Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Monday, September 15 - What the Deuce?

    Two men stood outside of a bar one cold winter evening. Their breath trailing off as the breeze let it and the moon eyed them from across the sky. "The divorce is official." one says to the other. "The papers were sent in yesterday signed and now I am left with nothing."

    "Hey man cheer up," chimes in the other man, "ya know yeah the divorce sucks and yeah it had to happen the worst possible way but there is so much you have gained from this than you've lost."

    "How can you say that? When she started getting word from her manipulative friend that 'I'm not good enough for her' and 'My brother is a cellist he is much better than him' it took away all of my self esteem and now I know it's true." The moon began to emerge from it's hiding spot to become more visible in the night sky.

    "You gained the experience of dealing with this situation and now you know how to avoid it. I promise you the next fish that you catch will be larger and more beautiful than the fish that got away with your bait could have ever been."

    The men stood in silence, both looking at the ground. The moon revealed itself only to hide again behind the clouds. It began to snow, and the two men parted ways.


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