Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25 - Biggest Mistake

When Fun Stops Being Fun

    Have you ever been really high off the ground, in mid air, about to fall? I did that once. Never again. The year was 2012 and this was the final few hours of my trip to Alabama to visit family. School was tomorrow so I was anxious to get home and sleep so that the next day I wouldn't be passing out on everything. The whole family was out, my cousins that I still don't know the names of, and my uncles that I also don't know the names of. The social gathering was getting stale as I was extremely uncomfortable with conversation with my extended family. Just then I eyeballed a rope, hanging from a tree branch far above the ground. I leaned to my sister and said "Watch this."

    My father caught wind of this and whispered to his brothers "Watch this." Now with all eyes on me, I decide to sprint towards the rope. A grasped the rope. For a very brief moment I felt like a man. Then it stopped being fun. The rope slipped from my hand as I must have been at least 10 feet off the ground. I plummeted like a rock, straight onto my right leg. This was probably the least fun I've had the whole trip as I was in a great deal of pain, physically and emotionally, as my entire extended family crowded around me laughing, with nobody offering to help me up. Eventually we went home. And my leg hurt for the next month and a half. The only real problem was that I had wellness first period.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24 - Endearing Quality

    I love orchestral and classical music, and that has an effect on my personality. Sure, Mozart and Beethoven have made great music, but I'm also a classical musician myself, so I get exposed to more than people who don't go to rehearsals until ten every Monday evening. I feel the way that people like Mahler, Schoenberg, Richard Strauss, Brahms, and yes, Beethoven and Mozart can flood their feelings and emotions and experiences into tones that people play even years after their death. An example being Richard Strauss' "Ein Heldenleben" or "A Heros Life". Each movement in heldenleben depicts different aspects of his life, weather that be himself, his wife, his critics, his struggle to follow his dreams, and his "works for peace" as one movement is titled. I strongly feel that this has made me a more emotionally responsive person, and I think that is the endearing quality I have that makes the friends I have enjoy my personality.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23 - Strange Fruit

Dang Girl Look At That Fruit

    Dang girl look at that fruit! I bet you ain't never seen a fruit like this. Dang girl this fruit might be too much for you, just look at that cookies and cream looking filling. I bet you could eat it out of a tub with a shovel and cry with that kind of delicious looking filling. Oh don't even get me started on the skin. It may look girly and pink, but it's actually got the testosterone of eight Vin Diesel's. Yeah baby are you frightened yet. You best not be cause this dang ol fruit is going to rock your world!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17 - Alphabet Soup

Sociable Skeleton

Another moonlit night passes by.
Because of his predicament he cannot enjoy these nights.
Caged down bellow the Earth's surface he rests.
Down below he sits to yearn for the nights.
Even though he has no skin or muscle tissue he still wants.
Fore even though he is a skeleton, he still yearns for a night stroll in the moonlight.
Given the chance he would walk around forever.
He would walk around and socialize with the other dead.
I would too if I were him.
Journeying out to relieve him of his loneliness
Kneecaps still without the sensation of walking.
Late night is the worst for skeletons like himself.
More nights pass.
No relief in sight.
Options are very limited for our skeleton friend.
Pause for a moment and reflect on how you are not the skeleton.
Question what is holding you back from being you.
Really strive for the best change in you.
Strive for a change in how people know you.
There's choices you can make in your life and they are always there.
Unless your dead.
Very many people are dead.
While you only have so much time left be you.
Xtraordinary things happen when you step out of your comfort zone.
You have the choice to socialize and he does not.
Zero times will it work if you don't try.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Monday, September 15 - What the Deuce?

    Two men stood outside of a bar one cold winter evening. Their breath trailing off as the breeze let it and the moon eyed them from across the sky. "The divorce is official." one says to the other. "The papers were sent in yesterday signed and now I am left with nothing."

    "Hey man cheer up," chimes in the other man, "ya know yeah the divorce sucks and yeah it had to happen the worst possible way but there is so much you have gained from this than you've lost."

    "How can you say that? When she started getting word from her manipulative friend that 'I'm not good enough for her' and 'My brother is a cellist he is much better than him' it took away all of my self esteem and now I know it's true." The moon began to emerge from it's hiding spot to become more visible in the night sky.

    "You gained the experience of dealing with this situation and now you know how to avoid it. I promise you the next fish that you catch will be larger and more beautiful than the fish that got away with your bait could have ever been."

    The men stood in silence, both looking at the ground. The moon revealed itself only to hide again behind the clouds. It began to snow, and the two men parted ways.


Tuesday, September 16 - The Spoon's Perspective

Spoons Have Feelings Too

    "Yo morning Bowl!"
    "Morning Spoon."
    This was how it went every single day. I awake in the dish washer, greet my good friend bowl and prepare to tackle another day of cereal. What kind was it going to be today? No clue but I love holding cereal so it doesn't matter.
    "So how about that storm last night?"
    "Dude for the last time that was the dish washer we don't go outside."
    "AAAAAH just wanking your chain." Bowl always enjoyed my clever humor.
    The door to the washing machine opened and as usual however when bowl was picked up I was not.
    "God finally I don't have to deal with that jerk spoon again good lord." I hear bowl say as he is carried away. I always enjoy his clever humor. The hand came back. "Oh phew I'm getting picked up now it was a mistake." I thought, however I could not have been more wrong. The door shut and I was left in the dark, with a bunch of sleeping silverware. If I had tear ducts I would have cried.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, Spetember 9 - Film Review

Hugo Movie Review Even Though I Have Never Heard Of This Movie Before In My Life 

    Hugo was one of those movies that kind of looked dumb in the trailer because you see pretty much the whole movie in it, then you sit down and say "Wow this is dumb this is really the best they had?" The main character is really annoying and the side characters are under utilized and the world felt incoherent as a whole.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8 - America, Fairyville?

A Discussion On Fairies

    "Man I can't deal with this whole fairy business," the old mustached man said as he drank his morning coffee, a routine he did everyday while discussing the news with his acquaintance, "they shouldn't be allowing them to do this they aren't even real people." The other more skinny but just as old man lit his cigar.
    "Yeah they're too small and have wings they can't be people, the can't be citizens now we got them chiming in on our lives? What is this world coming to? First the fairies want to be people and now they want to vote? and work?"
    "And now they want to go to college too," the mustached man took a drink, "We don't need these fairies coming in and causing mischief in our community. Just the other day a fairy robbed a man walking down the street and stole his shoes! I swear the nerve of these creatures. Appalling."
    "We should all deport them and send them back to their magic fairy land."

    All day these men sat complaining about the fairies that have always been there, and always wanted their rights, but for some reason, this is the time where they are met with resistance instead of ignorance.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September - Aliens in Egypt

Tut and The Aliens 

    Things where the usual, boring sitting-around-with-hot-ladies-around-him-all-day day for King Tutankhamun. "Boy, it sure is boring around here." Tutankhamun said with a yawn, "Maybe today I can restore the honor of the Gods that my father had ruined. Maybe tomorrow." He looked up at the sky when he saw three huge flying saucers above him. His early Egyptian mind could barely handle the sight. His internal monologue freaked out. Did they hear me? Are they going to dethrone me? Are they going to take my hot girls that just sit around me all day away from me? Am I going to be poor? They were are all understandable and valid questions.
    The three saucers floated down into the court yard and ramps extended from them. Out stepped these beautiful aliens, with chiseled pecks and toned forearms and delectable thighs with awe inspiring long flowing blonde hair. "Dude Chad do you think this is the right place?" asked one of the aliens. "Yeah man this is where the directions told me." replied the other. "Hey lets go ask that kid" said another. The aliens sauntered up to Tut's throne. "Hey little man, my name is Chad, that's David, and that's Hooglestroff. We were wondering if this is the spot of the hottest party this side of Andromeda yeah man." Tut's jaw did push ups and his eyes did kart wheels. "Yo man I don't think this is place Chad." said Hooglestroff. "Alright well take care little dude." said Chad as they walked back into their saucers and flew away.
    This happening gave Tut the motivation to restore honor to the Gods, because to him, the beautiful Chad, David, and Hooglestroff trio of aliens were the Gods. He set off to make his decree known and to restore the God's honor in hopes to gaze upon their hunky toned bodies once again.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4 - Historical Acuracy


    The year was 1932. Towards the end of February. The early morning hours where going by per usual, the streets were crowded with men with suits that haven't been washed in as long as the men inside them. The Empire State building used to be a spectacle but the residents have gotten used to it and ignored it for the most part. However today there was something special that nobody could have ever foreseen. A sudden booming "WOP" filled the air shattering glass and busting ear drums. There it was, the UFO that changed the music industry for years to come.

    A loud speaker was protracted out of the side of the flying causer. "Dear humans," the loud speaker said, "we are here to rock your socks off with some sick music." The confusion was staggering. What did he mean by rock your socks off? Will it be disgusting do I have enough time to look away? Nobody knew. "It has been done, a child of a family far from here has been born of our musical race. You have approximately 20 years until your minds will be just blown. You will know when you hear the letters J and R."

    And just as fast as it came it left. Many freaked out, a little bit less committed suicide, but for the most part everyone was pretty startled.  Little did everyone know that there that day would be the birth of the musical Martian genius, J.R. Cash, also known as Johnny Cash.