Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday, December 4 - Unrequited Love

    Some love was never, and should, never mean to be. A man with a sense of social rejection, and a woman, drawn in a computer programs in sequencing images to give the illusion of motion, with a person in a booth reading lines as the voice. Tears stream into his flavor savor as he eats his nightly dinner, across from a computer screen displaying his beloved.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21 - Ekphrasis

A man walked on a bridge
singing away his emotional baggage.
"Here I go again on my own
down this lonely road I'll never know"
Suddenly he stops,
the sun followed close behind him peeking over the mountains.
He was never alone,
and he knew the road all along.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17 - Found Poem

I work with the what I'm given: The Poem
The Bachelor
TV show
"Jess, unzip the dress"
"You should totally get implants"

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thusday, November 13 - Macabre

Boy am I jealous of those party animals. They partied so hard they done partied their clothes off. Now THAT is the kind of social environment I'm in to. Look, a mother is so into her party lifestyle that she took her party baby, to expose it to the party ways. That one lady has so much party in her that her unborn baby is just eradiating with party energy! I do have but one complaint. Who turned on the lights though? Why would they think that was a good idea? They were obviously partying in the dark and the sudden change from dark to light must have been very jarring.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12 - The Haunted House

"Yo, Billy I bet you won't go into the spook house of west street!" called out Jones. Billy had enough of Jones' torment so he retaliated.
"Yes I will just watch me you big nerd!" replied Billy. So at that night, at midnight they met at the old spook house.
"Go in!" Jones taunted. Billy walked up to the spook house. The clouds began a frightening formation and a shadow could be seen in the window. Billy paused.
"What's the matter Billy are you too chicken!" Jones yelled.
"Yeah no I'm not doing that." Billy said.

Billy then walked home and got spanked by his mom for being out too late.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7 - Ewww....that's creepy!

Don't pay it attention
don't may it no mind
don't give it a mention
or glance or look of any kind.

If you let it in
it will invade your life
it will dig you a grave
and fill you with strife.

If you do so to happen
to let it in
it may leave everything broken
and cause a ruckus, but then

if you are so brave
to counteract it's deathly gaze
and refuse the sorry that it gave
and wade through it's foul haze

then the cold embrace
and it's sunken face
will loosen it's grip
and leave to equip

the strength you've been bound with
will release it's grip forthwith
and you will see life's true beauty
and may call yourself truly free

but if the clutches do not let go
and the aid never shows
then for you there will be no doom
and it will seal you to your doom

don't pay it attention
don't may it no mind
don't give it a mention
or glance or look of any kind

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28 - Mixed Bag

Romantic Espionage 

Mr. Ashe was sitting in his office, going through paper work when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." he called, not knowing of the storm that awaited beyond the door. He looked up and saw a furry, four pawed, furryous storm of anger and mistrust that is Scooby Doo. His jaw dropped.


"Ri rought rou rere retter ran ris. (I thought you were better than this.)" Scooby Doo yelled.
"Honey what's the problem?" Mr. Ashe asked. Fearing his plan of romantic espionage has been foiled, he decided to play dumb until he knew for sure he'd been caught red handed.
"Ri row rat rou've reen rup ro ren rou're 'Rorking rate'. (I know what you've been up to when you're 'Working late'.)," Scooby said, making air quotations with his paws around 'Working late'. "Rou've rurt re rour re rast rime, rood rye Rister Rashe. (You've hurt me for the last time, good bye Mr. Ashe.)" Scooby stormed out of the room and slammed the door, causing papers to fly everywhere.

Mr. Ashe layed his head on his desk in self disappointment. He was frustrated at himself for defiling his relationship with Scooby and ruining the trust between them. There was no doubt that his stuff has been thrown out of the apartment window onto the sidewalk, and there was no way that his tires were not slashed. Yet something inside him was glad the bridge between them was burned. Scooby's ambition of mystery solving has put strain on their relationship, and even though he knew all of the gang, Velma was still very threatening to him. Maybe the two will recover, and Mr. Ashe can strap in and get his learn on about the experience.